Connecting people through the power of history and culture

Hops & History: A Brief History of the Undergarment with Amy and Caitlin

Third Street Brewhouse 219 Red River Ave N, Cold Spring, MN, United States

Join the museum's own Amy Degerstrom and Caitlin Carlson as they use the collection of the Stearns History Museum to tell the "brief" story of how what we wear underneath our clothes has evolved in the last few centuries. This time, we'll be at Third Street Brewhouse in Cold Spring. As usual - $10 for […]

Hops & History- Kary Janousek- “When the Past is Present”

Bad Habit Brewing Company

Join Fargo photographer and artist Kary Janousek to learn about the amazing Victorian wet plate collodion process invented in 1851, what a tintype and ambrotype is, the basic steps of creating an image, and how she will be using this amazing form of photography to bring the past into the present at historical sites across […]


Hops & History

Stearns History Museum 235 33rd Ave S, St Cloud, MN, United States

Hops & History

Stearns History Museum 235 33rd Ave S, St Cloud, MN, United States